Hello, I use EasyCreator 0.0.11 to modify the original example, you can not save!
See Legend
1.Component I created an example of "table" (Actually, no matter that the problem is the same)
(See Figure 1)
2.The original code is this
(See Figure 2)
3.I have the original has been modified on the basis of
(See Figure 3)
4.Then save, and display the saved successfully
(See Figure 4)
5.Return, the test results
(See Figure 5)
6.However, when I re-entered EasyCreator and found the code I have lost (in fact, just refresh the page, will be lost)

(See Figure 6)
My Environment:
Joomla 1.5.15
PHP Version 5.2.6
Test your browser:
IE 6.0
FireFox 3.0
The results are the same!