It's finally here
This release is the first one that may be installed both on Joomla! 1.5
AND Joomla! 1.6.
Version specific templates included.
Note: Joomla! 1.5 extension templates can be build on Joomla! 1.6 but not vice versa !
There is a brand new feature - somewhat alpha

- Please follow the alpha test at: http://wiki.joomla-nafu.d...Creator/EasyERD/AlphaTEST and report any bugs
+ Added extension type 'Joomla! 1.6 package'
+ Added Selenium test runner to CodeEyes
+ Added qtabs for slicker project display
+ Added first component template for J! 1.6 - mvc_9_16
+ Support for J! 1.6 media tag
+ Support for J! 1.6 update.sql files
+ Added extsnsion type 'Joomla! 1.6 library'
+ Added krumo for internal debugging
+ Option to create a md5 checksum file for packages
+ Alpha status for EasyAutoCode
+ Custom table fields and AutoCodes in ExtensionTemplate mvc_5 and mvc_9
+ Language converter for INI and PHP files J! 1.5 => 1.6
+ Added pchart for statistics
+ Project specific settings for creating packages
+ Added highcharts.js from
+ Refactored the statistics and added some charts
+ Added code to comment ratio calculation to statistics
+ EasyCreator now checks a md5 file on his installation
+ Added md5 checksum routine to component extension templates
+ Option to specify a custom list postfix in creation wizard
# Fixed [#20347] Error saving translations containing an ampersand (&) - Thanks Santiago Galindo
# Fixed module and plugin parameters and languages missing in packages
# Fixed broken Plugin parameters
# Fixed broken Plugin translations
# Fixed broken XML file translations
# authorEmail and authorUrl are case-sensitive in the install manifest, correcting from all small case.
# Fixed [#20003] Module and Plugin translation broken - Thanks Santiago Galindo.
# Fixed broken "Project Info" - Thanks Michael (Mitomedia)
# Fixed broken translation engine - modal js missing
^ Updated DTD location to
^ Changed hardcoded list postfix 's' to a custom one in all suitable ExtensionTemplates
^ Build packages are now located in folder 'builds'
^ Moved folders 'logs' and 'scripts' to extension root
"elkuku/ pledged and made EasyCreator Joomla 1.6 Native."
see: http://www.gnomeontherun....6-by-release&Itemid=7
Download: available soon....