Yeah, i thought you use Notepad++ as this seems to be the most common answer when it comes to BOM questions
So i installed Notepad++ on a virtual machine..
It tells me, that my english language files are encoded in ANSI while my german ones (and your french) are utf8-no BOM (status line says 'ANSI as UTF-8')....hmm
Could you tell me in which file you detected the BOM - and how ??
The most acurate information comes (as always) from w3c:
They also have a list of apps and how to set the encoding:
Eclipse is not present..
At least i found some scripts, one in PERL
and another one in PHP
that are dealing with the removal of the BOM.
Could be a new feature to check if a language file contains a BOM and then - remove it

What do you think?
Seems that the most accurate method of detecting and removing the BOM from an UTF-8 encoded file is to open it with a hex editor and look if the first three bytes are EF BB BF, and if so - simply remove them... BOM away